Stop the NI Health Bill

The consultation process has been extended by two weeks, now closing on October 14th, 2024. However, we believe this extension is a result of public pressure, and it’s crucial that we continue to raise our concerns and engage directly with our MLAs to ensure our voices are heard.

The clock is ticking

    The Northern Ireland Health Bill threatens your medical freedom with forced exams, quarantine, and vaccinations. It extends emergency powers, allowing authorities to impose severe restrictions without consent. This bill undermines human rights, limits personal choice, and bypasses true public consultation.

    Act Now

    Reach out to your MLAs before the October 14th deadline. Demand transparency and accountability before these dangerous measures are passed!Go to and type in your Postcode to find your MLA

    For those who cannot respond to the government’s consultation document on the NI Health Bill, we suggest that you write to your MLA, making him/her aware of the implications of this Bill, should it ever come before the Assembly. To help you we have drafted some ideas for a response.Please do NOT just copy and paste it. Use some (not all) of the points raised and if possible write it in your own words. Ask your MLA to make himself/herself aware of the implications of the Bill, and to oppose it, should it come before the Assembly for discussion.

    Dear Mr/Mrs/Ms __________________________________ MLA,As a concerned constituent, I am writing to you in relation to the Northern Ireland Public Health Bill which is currently out for consultation, until the 27th September 2024, and which has the endorsement of the NI Minister for Health, Mike Nesbitt MLA. I am unable to respond to the public consultation because_______________________________________________.However, as my representative in the Assembly, I want to make you aware of my concerns, should this consultation result in the proposals contained in the consultation becoming law.I am particularly concerned about
    (Add one or two of the following)
    * The manner in which the proposed legislation will intrude into every area of people’s lives. The legislation extends to premises, people and ‘things.’ This gives the authorities (in the form of the police and other enforcement agencies) powers which they have never had before, including powers to seize people’s property, to enter premises to disinfect or decontaminate. There is no doubt that these powers will be open to abuse by over zealous officials, or poorly trained constables. The language describing people’s deceased loved ones as dead bodies, - categorised as ‘things’ to be subjected to disinfection or decontamination is not only insensitive but insulting.
    * The provision to remove a person to a hospital or ‘facility’ and detain them against their will. This power was greatly abused in some states of Australia during the Covid restrictions imposed globally in 2020. In effect this amounts to internment without trial on the basis of a dubious testing procedure.
    * The proposed isolation of individuals. This tactic was introduced in 2020, and has had detrimental effects on the mental health of many. Human beings are sociable, and need human company to maintain the overall health. Isolation benefits no-one, particularly children, and prevents the ingdevelopment and functioning of a healthy immune system.
    * The proposal to force people to take an unwanted medical procedure against their will. The consultation for the Bill is suggesting that a person may be required to be vaccinated or to receive other prophylactic treatment. This is a direct assault on the principle of bodily autonomy. No-one, including a government body, should have the right to force any unwanted medical procedure upon another sane individual, for whatever reason. Since it is the ambition of the World Health Organisation to have response vaccines produced within 100 days of them declaring a pandemic emergency, these vaccines will not have received the rigorous testing that would previously have been applied, and any forced inoculation would therefore be contrary to the Nuremberg Code on medical experimentation.
    * The compulsory wearing of ‘protective clothing.’ This calls to mind the forced masking debacle of 2021-22, when the chief medical officer encouraged people to confront others who were not wearing a face mask In public, comments that brought about a tightening off regulations in the NI Executive, which later had to be rescinded, because of public outcry, when for example, rape victims were being required to cover their mouths, in a manner similar to the assault they had suffered, or where people who had suffered attacks by masked gangsters were being further traumatised.
    * That a person be required to answer questions regarding their health status or ‘other circumstances.’ This would over-rule a basic rule in legal practice, - that a person has the right to remain silent, under questioning. The ‘other circumstances’ clause would no doubt be used by the police and other agencies to extract information in cases where there is a tenuous connection to health.
    * That a person be required to attend ‘training or advice sessions.’ Forced indoctrination was a tactic of the old Soviet Union, used in the Gulags. Is this where we are going? Will people who attempt to question the ‘advice’ at these classes be regarded as dissidents, and imprisoned?
    * That a person abstain from working or trading. The 2020 lockdowns ruined many small businesses, driving the economy towards the large multinationals, who strangely were able to continue to make their deliveries, while local shops were forcefully closed. The effects of this are still being felt in local communities, with the sad loss of local flavour in the High Streets of our towns and cities.
    Conclude with a statement like ONE of these:
    * As my representative, I want you to know that I am opposed to the introduction of these authoritarian measures, as are many of your other constituents. They constitute a huge overreach of the state into areas of personal autonomy and responsibility, and I urge you to rigorously oppose them, both now, and should they ever come before the Assembly for discussion and debate.
    * Some will argue that these measures are necessary to respond to challenges to our public health. They are not, they are no more than an over reach of state interference into our lives. We have immune systems that have been given us to ward off diseases, and your health advisors would do better to introduce measures to strengthen natural immunity; better diets, more exercise and a healthier, more productive lifestyle. I urge you to speak against these draconian measures at every opportunity.
    * Please be aware of these proposals, and consider carefully the ramifications of this huge over-reach of the state into individual lives. The fact that proposals like these are appearing globally is a worrying trend, suggesting a co-ordinated multi-national assault on ordinary citizens. Should this Bill appear as proposed legislation in the assembly please oppose it.
    Yours sincerely,NAME